Marlon Cruickshank

How Can We Help Your Business...

ExpandYourBiz specializes in Business Growth & Business Turnaround. Marlon Cruickshank, the President and CEO is a well respected and experienced business leader, who delivers innovative, cost-effective and result-driven solutions that are GUARANTEED to help his customers dominate their respective marketplace.

Listen, you may not be aware... but research has proven if you own a Service Business or Professional Practiceyou're more than likely leaving lots of money on the table. To see for yourself how much money you're missing out on, click here NOW to request a FREE 15 Minute Business Analysis & Success Check-up!  

So STOP robbing yourself and cheating your business out of profits... and use this as an opportunity to put more money in your pocket.

I know you may be thinking this is a waste of time, but let me ask you this... when was the last time someone offered to give you $1500 worth of free business advice?

Even if you're a little skeptical, I encourage you to suspend your skepticism and see for yourself how powerful these strategies are. They have actually been proven to work time and time again and they can work for your business too! 

Marlon believes there are five primary ways to grow a business in order to make it highly competitive:
    * 1) Increase the number of customers
    * 2) Create a system to increase the Lifetime Value of each customer
    * 3) Create an "Active Referral" process that automatically generates referrals, 24 hours a day
    * 4) Get past customers to anxiously do business with you again and increase the frequency of their new transactions
    * 5) Be able to consistently amaze your customers, by placing a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction

As a result, he created the (C.A.R.R.R.S)© System for growing businesses, based on the principle of: 
Customer Acquisition / Retention / Referral / Re-activation / Satisfaction.  

The comprehensive "Done For-You Strategies" which Marlon employs, are geared towards helping business owners like yourself, who are either too busy working "in their business", or lack the time and skills necessary to effectively grow their business themselves. 

Why Should You Believe Me?

As you know, there's no shortage of “experts” claiming to have the secrets to make your business successful. I may not have the answers to solving all of your business problems; but I can say one thing for certain... the systems I'll implement will absolutely turn your business around really fast! 

What sets me apart... Over 25 years of consistency, integrity, high level of customer service and fast and efficient delivery of results. And this is what I'll be bringing to the table when I work with you, to help you grow your business and increase your profits...

I don't expect you to believe me just yet. Let me first earn your trust by implementing just one of my strategies in your business.  My goal is for you to see results in your bank account as soon as possible...  And I'm confident, you'll see the TREMENDOUS value in what I have to offer. 

You see, most business owners don't have anyone to turn to for help.

I say this because I also experienced the same problem and didn't have anyone to guide me with my businesses. Although I followed what I saw in Corporate America, I quickly realized it didn't work for a small business. Mainly because big corporations have lots of money to play with and could easily bounce back if something doesn't work.

Small businesses simply don't have the luxury to make major every penny counts

That's why I'm willing to gift you this 15 minute consultation, on my dime... 

My reason is simple, I want to take the first step towards taking your business to the next level. This is just my way of giving back to the community and showing you I have your best interest at heart.

So if you really want to turn your business around this is the opportunity you've been waiting on, don't blow it... 

Now I can only work with a limited number of business owners at a time, so this offer is strictly on a "first-come, first-serve" basis. 

If you want to attract more clients or customers and generate more revenue, then STOP what you're doing right now and schedule your Free 15 minute business analysis & success check-up today. Click here to contact us immediately - you'll be glad you did!

your business transformation starts here

The C.A.R.R.R.S System Will Help You Unlock The True Potential Of Your Business To Create FAST Growth!

Customer Acquisition

Getting a customer can be very expensive. Most business owners don't have an effective system to attract clients at a low cost, 24 hours a day. There are more than a dozen ways to get customers for free or very low cost, which you may be missing out on right now! Let me show you HOW...

Customer Retention

After spending time and money to get a new customer, you now need to focus on keeping them. Research has proven over 45% of customers stop supporting a business within one year...That's why it's so important for business owners to establish a pattern of customer interaction that runs automatically! 

Customer Referrals

One of the least expensive ways to get customers is by having them referred to you. If you're just sitting there waiting for people to refer others, you're leaving tons of money on the table. Customers generally forget about you as soon as they complete a transaction, so unless you create a system to convert them into "raving fans" and business ambassadors, the possibility of them referring others are slim to none.

Customer Re-activation

What do you do when customers no longer support your business? How do you stop them from going to your competition or worst, not doing anything at all? Do you have a way to determine your customer attrition rate, their reasons for leaving and what it will take to start doing business with you again? When you truly understand the life-time value of each customer, you'll quickly realize the importance of re-activating all your dormant clients. I can help you get your old customers to do business with you again, even the ones who originally said NO to you!  

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction should be the main focus of every business and should be measured regularly. THERE CAN BE NO COMPROMISING HERE! 
Your goal should be to constantly amaze your clients at every touch-point. In today's highly competitive market, there's no customer loyalty. So if you are not WOWING your customers you're setting yourself up for failure... You need to create the "Halo Effect" for your business, which is what I will do for you, within the first 15 days!